Olive Harvesting in Times of COVID-19

  Faced with the health crisis that is being experienced by the COVID-19 virus, MERCACEI magazine has made a small study, in which two questions have been asked related to the evolution of the campaign and also the measures that may be interesting. Professionals in the sector (producers, experts, industrialists ...) have been asked how they are facing this peculiar campaign. All these experts come to a common idea, that COVID-19 will affect both the harvesting and the milling of olives. It is also evident that measures must be taken so that the exposure to the virus is minimal, which is why different protocols have also been thought of so that there is no dry stop of the collection. It has also been commented that there may be a delay in harvesting, or that there may be fewer laborers due to the existence of sprouts and it may take longer to carry out these tasks. Likewise, also within the sector they are optimistic and think that with the responsibility of both workers and employers, there will be no problems and the campaign will continue with the minimum possible risk. In the following link is the complete study: https://www.mercacei.com/noticia/53203/actualidad/la-recoleccion-de-la-aceituna-en-tiempos-de-covid-19:-un-nuevo-desafio-para-el-sector-oleicola.html