Olive Oil Production December 2019

  The Food Information and Control Agency (AICA), is an agency which provides data related to different food products. In this case we will talk about the production of Olive Oil in the month of December 2019. According to the data of this organization, in Spain about 453,000 tons of Olive Oil have been produced, so there are about 665,000 tons of Olive Oil Olive accumulated in the recent campaign. With respect to the previous campaign (2018/19) there is a considerable reduction in production but within the forecasts of the current campaign. According to AICA data, in the 2018/19 campaign there was a production in the same current period (October-December approximately), of 720,000 tons, so there is a reduction of more than 50,000 tons, as we have already said, within the forecasts of the current campaign in which it is estimated that around 1,000,000 tons will be produced. Regarding the distribution of stocks, there are currently around 1,000,000 tons of Olive Oil in different situations according to AICA data: 779,000 tons in oil mills; 245,000 tons in packaging plants; 40,000 tons in the Olivarero Community Heritage, a storage that is provided for a certain price, more on this in a future article. The fact that there is still a large production stored, is due to the low prices in Olive Oil, around 2 euros per liter. There is no logical explanation to explain the low prices at this point and why they have remained for such a long period. We could assume that when there are more sales and less stored production and taking into account that this campaign is estimated to be worse than the previous one, the price will recover and that liquid gold will once again make reference to its name. Link to read the complete article: https://www.oleorevista.com/?p=380618 Link to see the database of AICA: https://servicio.mapama.gob.es/InformacionMercado_Aica/Inicio.aao